software development

How I do TDD

TL;DR: The specification I write are based on domain-level Ubiquitous Language-based specifications of system behaviour. These spec tests describe the functional behaviour of the system, as it would be specified by a Product Owner (PO), and as it would be experienced by the user; i.e. user-level functional specifications.

I get asked frequently how I do Test-Driven Development (TDD), especially with example code. In my previous post I discussed reasons why I do TDD. In this post I’ll discuss how I do TDD.

First-off, in my opinion, there is no difference between TDD, Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) and Acceptance-Test-Driven Development (ATDD). The fundamental concept is identical: write a failing test, then write the implementation that makes that test pass. The only difference is that these terms are used to describe the ‘amount’ of the system being specified. Typically, with BDD, at a user level, with ATDD, at a user acceptance level (like BDD), and TDD for much finer-grained components or parts of the system. I see very little value in these distinctions: they’re all just TDD to me. (I do find it valuable to discuss the ROI of TDD specifications at different levels, as well as their cost and feedback speed. I’m currently working on a post discussing these ideas.) Like many practices and techniques, I see TDD as fractal. We can get the biggest ROI for a spec test that covers as much as possible.

The test that covers the most of the system is a user-level functional test. That is, a test written at the level of a user’s interaction with the system – i.e. outside of the system – which describes the functional behaviour of the system. The ‘user-level’ part is important, since this level is by definition outside of the system, and covers the entirety of the system being specified.

Its time for an example. The first example I’ll use is specifying Conway’s Game of Life (GoL).

These images represent an (incomplete) specification of GoL, and can be used to specify and validate any implementation of Conway’s Game of Life, from the user’s (i.e. a functional) point of view. These specifications make complete sense to a PO specifying GoL – in fact, this is often how GoL is presented.

These images translate to the following code:

public void Test_Barge()
    var initialGrid = new char[,]
        {'.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'},
        {'.', '.', '*', '.', '.', '.'},
        {'.', '*', '.', '*', '.', '.'},
        {'.', '.', '*', '.', '*', '.'},
        {'.', '.', '.', '*', '.', '.'},
        {'.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'},


    var game = CreateGame(initialGrid);
    char[,] generation = game.Grid;

    Assert.That(generation, Is.EqualTo(initialGrid));

public void Test_Blinker()
    var initialGrid = new char[,]
        {'.', '.', '.'},
        {'*', '*', '*'},
        {'.', '.', '.'},

    var expectedGeneration1 = new char[,]
        {'.', '*', '.'},
        {'.', '*', '.'},
        {'.', '*', '.'},

    var expectedGeneration2 = new char[,]
        {'.', '.', '.'},
        {'*', '*', '*'},
        {'.', '.', '.'},

    var game = CreateGame(initialGrid);

    char[,] actualGeneration = game.Grid;
    Assert.That(actualGeneration, Is.EqualTo(expectedGeneration1));

    actualGeneration = game.Grid;
    Assert.That(actualGeneration, Is.EqualTo(expectedGeneration2));

public void Test_Glider()
    var initialGrid = new char[,]
        {'.', '*', '.'},
        {'.', '.', '*'},
        {'*', '*', '*'},

    var expectedGeneration1 = new char[,]
        {'.', '.', '.'},
        {'*', '.', '*'},
        {'.', '*', '*'},
        {'.', '*', '.'},

    var expectedGeneration2 = new char[,]
        {'.', '.', '.'},
        {'.', '.', '*'},
        {'*', '.', '*'},
        {'.', '*', '*'},

    var game = CreateGame(initialGrid);

    char[,] actualGeneration = game.Grid;

    Assert.That(actualGeneration, Is.EqualTo(expectedGeneration1));

    actualGeneration = game.Grid;
    Assert.That(actualGeneration, Is.EqualTo(expectedGeneration2));

All I’ve done to make the visual specification above executable is transcode it into a programming language – C# in this case. Note that the tests do not influence or mandate anything of the implementation, besides the data structures used for input and output.

I’d like to introduce another example, this one a little more complicated and real-world. I’m currently developing a book discovery and lending app, called Lend2Me, the source code for which is available on Github. The app is built using Event Sourcing (and thus Domain-Driven Design and Command-Query Responsibility Segregation). The only tests in this codebase are user-level functional tests. Because I’m using DDD, the spec tests are written in the Ubiquitous Language of the domain, and actually describe the domain, and not a system implementation. Since user interaction with the system is in the form of Command-Result and Query-Result pairs, these are what are used to specify the system. Spec tests for a Command generally take the following form:

GIVEN:  a sequence of previously handled Commands
WHEN:   a particular Command is issued
THEN:   a particular result is returned

In addition to this basic functionality, I also want to capture the domain events I expect to be persisted (to the event store), which is still a domain-level concern, and of interest to the PO. Including event persistence, the tests, in general, look like:

GIVEN:  a sequence of previously handled Commands
WHEN:   a particular Command is issued
THEN:   a particular result is returned
And:    a particular sequence of events is persisted

A concrete example from Lend2Me:

User Story: AddBookToLibrary – As a User I want to Add Books to my Library so that my Connections can see what Books I own.
Scenario: AddingPreviouslyRemovedBookToLibraryShouldSucceed

GIVEN:  Joshua is a Registered User AND Joshua has Added and Removed Oliver Twist from his Library
WHEN:   Joshua Adds Oliver to his Library
THEN:   Oliver Twist is Added to Joshua's Library

This spec test is written at the domain level, in the Ubiquitous Language. The code for this test is:

public void AddingPreviouslyRemovedBookToLibraryShouldSucceed()
    RegisterUser joshuaRegisters = new RegisterUser(processId, user1Id, 1, "Joshua Lewis", "Email address");
    AddBookToLibrary joshuaAddsOliverTwistToLibrary = new AddBookToLibrary(processId, user1Id, user1Id, title, author, isbnnumber);
    RemoveBookFromLibrary joshuaRemovesOliverTwistFromLibrary = new RemoveBookFromLibrary(processId, user1Id, user1Id, title, author, isbnnumber);

    UserRegistered joshuaRegistered = new UserRegistered(processId, user1Id, 1, joshuaRegisters.UserName, joshuaRegisters.PrimaryEmail);
    BookAddedToLibrary oliverTwistAddedToJoshuasLibrary = new BookAddedToLibrary(processId, user1Id, title, author, isbnnumber);
    BookRemovedFromLibrary oliverTwistRemovedFromJoshuaLibrary = new BookRemovedFromLibrary(processId, user1Id, title, author, isbnnumber);

    Given(joshuaRegisters, joshuaAddsOliverTwistToLibrary, joshuaRemovesOliverTwistFromLibrary);
    AndEventsSavedForAggregate(user1Id, joshuaRegistered, oliverTwistAddedToJoshuasLibrary, oliverTwistRemovedFromJoshuaLibrary, oliverTwistAddedToJoshuasLibrary);

The definitions of the Commands in this code (e.g. RegisterUser) would be specified as part of the domain:

public class RegisterUser : AuthenticatedCommand
    public long AuthUserId { get; set; }
    public string UserName { get; set; }
    public string PrimaryEmail { get; set; }

    public RegisterUser(Guid processId, Guid newUserId, long authUserId, string userName, string primaryEmail)
    : base(processId, newUserId, newUserId)
        AuthUserId = authUserId;
        UserName = userName;
        PrimaryEmail = primaryEmail;


Again, the executable test is just a transcoding of the Ubiquitous Language spec test, into C#. Note how closely the code follows the Ubiquitous Language used in the natural language specification. Again, the test does not make any assumptions about the implementation of the system. It would be very easy, for example, to change the test so that instead of calling CommandHandlers and QueryHandlers directly, HTTP requests are issued.

It could be argued that the design of this system makes it very easy to write user-level functional spec tets. However these patterns can be used to specify any system any system, since it is possible to automatically interact with any system through the same interface a user uses. Similarly, it is possible to automatically assert any state in any boundary-interfacing system, e.g. databases, 3rd party webservices, message busses etc. It may not be easy or cheap or robust, but it is possible. For example, a spec test could be:

GIVEN:  Pre-conditions
WHEN:   This HTTP request is issued to the system
THEN:   Return this response
AND:    This HTTP request was made to this endpoint
AND:    This data is in the database
AND:    This message was put onto this message bus

This is how I do TDD: the spec tests are user-level functional tests. If its difficult, expensive or brittle to use the same interface the user uses, e.g. GUIs, then test as close to the system boundary, i.e. as close to the user, as you can.

For interest’s sake, all the tests in the Lend2Me codebase hit a live PostgreSQL database, and an embedded eventstore client. There is no mocking anywhere. All interactions and assertions are outside the system.